Saturday, March 7, 2015

28mm Franco-Prussian War and other nonsense...

I went book shopping this past week.  I got Master of Sanctity by Gav Thorpe, Unbreakable:  A Promise Paen Novel by Bauer, and an illustrated book on ancient Egypt.  I'm still reading Chickenhawk.  I'm at page 280/485 pages.  I'd like to have that book done by the end of next week.

I had trouble sleeping.  I spent last night painting 28mm 1870 French Turco.  Here is the regiment:

The figures need flocking.  I primed my last 28mm 1870 French artillery battery this weekend.  I'm starting in those figures, too.

I spent the afternoon playing The Sword and The Flame between 1882 Egyptians and 1882 British line infantry.  The British eventually won the game.  Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of it.  I also scheduled a 28mm Imjin War game for the end of March at a local gaming store.

I also picked up some Battlefoam Pack 216 paint load out for my paints.  I organized all my paints this evening.  I also went through my Windsor Newton inks.  Some of the inks had dried out.  The orange drawing ink also dried out before I opened it.  Some other extra inks were congealed, too.  I should replace my Windsor Newton drawing inks at some point.  I do use them for inking figures.

Now I have a massive flocking project of a 28mm 1870 French Turco Regiment and 28mm 1870 Bavarian infantry line regiment.  I'll start that as soon I as get the 28mm 1870 French artillery batter completed.

But the laundry gods called me this evening.  I caught up on my television viewing and went back to punching out pieces for a GW Baneblade kit that's been sitting in my basement since last May 2014...

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